Lets see the weekend brought lots of highs and lows but i was mostly high ,lol in high spirits trying to live in the moment.Panama friday night was awesome,after long i partied all out "Roger Goode VS Martin McHale",all good grace goes to Martin ofcos,untouchable yet again.
Anyways before that experience everyone else went to chek out Lady Lea but i was watching "Pirates"yes Pirates of the Cari-Be-an 3 as some would say.First time i watched the whole film and i had to so i was forced to enjoy it.I dont actually remember watching one,but POC 2 i remember..... me ,zai n noori went with the boys to watch it,then an hour into the movie we fell asleep,then I yes I came up with the idea of running away,yes we all dont have cars but we were ditching the guys,so the 3 musketeers ran around gateway 11.30 pm in the night looking for a lift to town,this being saturday night ofcourse.
Anyways we phoned Mr F our superhot friend(hehe) and he picked us up and took us to 3s for an awesome night that we can't really recall.Oh! wait i can recall now,we didnt go home we went to Kranskop for the first time ,yes with Ridwaan n Otta ,saw the farm for the first time,smelt fresh air and well saw the farm life upclose and personal.Okay i could go on but i rather not,ill keep that little roadtrip in my head.
I wish i could stop time or maybe fast forward just a little,so i don't have to live in certain moments,but if i dont go through those moments i won't learn from them and it only adds character to me or my life.I guess it teaches me a lesson,but whether i chose to learn from the lesson is really the question.Is it too late to ask for some direction?.I suck big time at writing but nevertheless i write,i think i need to put a pre-warning on the top of my blog.