Monday, September 29, 2008

Me in the Magzzz

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Girls Of Riyadh by Rajaa Alsanea

Im on the last chapter of my book that kept me company this weekend,i didnt even notice the weekend that flew pass.

This book follows the love lives of girls that are ready for marriage and what its like to live under the shariah law and what kind of behaviour is expected of girls like them from elite saudi families.

Lots of life lessons and too many love lessons to be learnt, we take for granted the freedom of way of life we have.

But reading the book i realised that men all around the world no matter what are still the same.There was a section in the book which descibes each kind of male and the reason for their kind of behaviour,all psychology and very enlightning.

A good read..

Friday, September 26, 2008


Its already the end of ramadaan,and the days have gone by so fast its shocking.

This year i experienced something different and last night i was really upset and my group of close friends, i was trying to understand why was everyone fighting non stop at each other and gossiping,it was just hurtful and awful,that they spend the whole month praying and in dhikr and at taraweeh but it doesnt stop them from being fighting and being angry.

I am victim to such anger as well,i have no idea why my bfrend is ignorning me for a week now,previous to that we were fighting every week in ramadaan for no reason at all.

Im sad but what do?

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I can say that i do remember when last i had butterflies and it was this weekend...
I remember when i was younger i used to get it alot and when u see a guy u have a crush on or when something happends for the first time or unexpentantly.
This weekend after 2 weeks i saw my bfrend n i had butterflies and the strange thing is we both felt it...weird i know after going out with someone for 1 n half years.
i can say that love is hardest hing i had to endure my whole life its something that can make and break you and toy with your emotions,it sux if i had to do it over again i wouldnt fall in love ,im not strong enough rather not live on the edge and gaurd your feeling against these people that try and convince you otherwise.
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