Somehow my plans for the last 3 days didnt work out as scheduled,the flu hit me from no where and practically disabled me.I hate this type of flu ,the one that makes u weak and makes u feel nauseus,like u on deaths doorstep.
Anyhows i got through it okay,with the help of Zai ofcos poking and pushing my head knowing im unable to defend myself,another thoughful thing i wont forget is when she got up in the morning and said "hey bitch are you okay",such love what more could i ask for.
Alas im back at work,almost all better and catching up on exam stuff to be sorted out.
On the relationship front :Defining a relationship
Okay so after lots of discussions amongst individuals,we trying to figure out how to define a relationship that that doesnt have a name.This is a day and age where not many young adults ask each other out its just a natural understanding that we are a couple and theres no need to say 'would you go out with me' ,its just an 'Understanding' between the two concerned.
You get:
Jolling -where you are kissing friends and you allowed to have others.
Friends with benefits -Where you are friends but undercover benefits are happening.
Bf/Gf -basically going out ,almost married type of situation.
So what do u call a commited relationship,where the understanding is mutual and consent for certain things are needed?
Everybody seems to be sitting on these types of relationship,undefined,i think it just gives space for trouble to let itself in and lots of hearts to be broken.
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