Finish the sentence survey - your turn!
Paste the sentences into a note of your own, change the ... to your answers, then tag awesome people to use it as filler posts
Finish The Sentence Survey
1. My ex... is just that
2. Maybe I should... go to the mall after work
3. I love... my bf to bits
4. People would say that I'm... loud at times
5. I don't understand... why bad things have to happen
6. When I wake up in the morning... I think about what the hell im going to wear
7. I lost... my bluetooth device and my usb at once
8. Life is full of... choices we make
9. My past is... something to talk about
10. I get annoyed when... people are late
11. Parties are... too short cos the times goes too fast
12. I wish... that mine and your dreams come true
13. Dogs... make me itchy
14. Cats... as well
15. Tomorrow... is the day i get ready to go on my trip
16. I have... alot
17. If I had a million dollars… id share it with the people i love
18. I'm totally... bored and wanna go home
i tag whoeva reads this post
I did this a few days ago. was fun :)
i thought you'd put nandos after i love
Ay i actually like chicken tikka more now,nandos lost first place in my
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